
Advanced Excel Skills for Accountants

Recorded Webinar | David H. Ringstrom, CPA, | All Days

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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the demand for proficient Excel skills has never been higher. Whether you're managing financial data, creating reports, or optimizing spreadsheets, excel proficiency is a crucial and powerful tool for tracking finances for accountants. The webinar will highlight essential Excel skills for finance and accounting to succeed as a finance professional.

Areas Covered:

  • Adding fields to a blank pivot table to create instant reports.
  • Contrasting the INDEX and MATCH combination to VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP.
  • Creating a pivot table to transform lists of data into on-screen reports.
  • Determining which refresh commands in Excel update a single pivot table versus all pivot tables in a workbook.
  • Discovering four different ways to remove data from a pivot table report.
  • Discovering how to use wildcards and multiple criteria within lookup formulas.
  • Employing the SUMIF function to sum values related to multiple instances of criteria.
  • Explaining the new XLOOKUP worksheet function being rolled out to Microsoft 365 users.
  • Filtering data within pivot tables in Excel 2010 and later using the Slicer feature.
  • Identifying situations where VLOOKUP may return #N/A instead of a value.
  • Identifying the ideal data for analysis with Excel's PivotTable feature.
  • Integrate data on web pages into your workbooks and create automatic links.

Webinar Highlights:

  • The webinar will perform dual lookups, which allow one to look across columns and down rows to cross-reference the data needed.
  • Summarizing data from Access databases with pivot tables, even if it doesn't have Microsoft Access installed.
  • Transforming numbers stored as text into values using the Text to Columns wizard.
  • Understanding how the VLOOKUP function allows one to look up data instead of manually referencing individual cells.
  • Using the HLOOKUP function to look horizontally across rows in any version of Excel.
  • Understanding the MATCH function to find the position of an item in a list.
  • Learning the SUMIFS function to sum values based on multiple criteria.
  • Using VLOOKUP to perform approximate matches.
  • Utilizing Excel's IFERROR function to display alternate values when VLOOKUP returns an error.
  • Understanding the IFNA function available in Excel 2013 and later.
  • Learning what types of user actions can trigger #REF! Errors.
  • Applying a variety of lookup functions to work more efficiently in Excel.

Why Should You Attend:

Any finance or accounting professional should be familiar with Excel. You probably know many people in both these fields who rely on MS Excel for everything they do. Their job would most likely not exist if it weren't for Excel. The speaker demonstrates every technique at least twice: first, on a PowerPoint slide with numbered steps, and second, in the subscription-based Microsoft 365 version of Excel. It draws attention to differences in the older versions of Excel during the presentation and provides an Excel workbook that includes most examples.

Who Should Attend:

  • Accountants
  • CPAs
  • CFOs
  • Controllers