
Billing For Locum Tenens Services: Understanding The Rules And Requirements

Recorded Webinar | Jill M. Young | All Days

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The online definition of Locums is a person who stands in temporarily for someone else of the same profession, especially a cleric or doctor.  Locum tenens is Latin word that means “to hold the place.”  There was confusion because the concept of Locum Tenens as a substitute physician was also a concept of how to bill for the services. When Medicare made a change and the billing concept’s name was changed to “fee for time compensation”. This name did not help lower the confusion.  The facts of billing for a substitute physician didn’t change: Bill under the regular physician; only physicians can use the billing methodology of a fee for time arrangement; the arrangement is only for 180 days and other details. 

The session will go into the details of who can use locum tenens or fee for time arrangements. How long they can last, how to bill for the services, what documentation is needed and other details of this unique arrangement that Medicare allows providers to utilize.

Webinar Objectives
  • Define Locum Tenens and its billing implications.
  • Explain the importance of modifiers in Medicare claims for substitute physician services.
  • Discuss potential payment issues with other insurance carriers that may not recognize these modifiers.
  • Outline rules and timelines for using substitute services compliantly.
  • Provide tips on researching insurance payer requirements and documentation needs.
Webinar Agenda
    • Locum Tenens Overview
      • Definition of Locum Tenens
      • Medicare Modifier for Billing 
    • Insurance Carrier Recognition
      • Challenges with Non-Recognizing Carriers
      • Impact on Payment and Billing Physicians
    • Compliance Rules and Best Practices
      • Lists Maintenance
      • Timelines for Substitute Services
    • Researching Other Payers
      • Tips for Researching Requirements
      • Documentation Practices for Non-Medicare Payers
Webinar Highlights
  • What is the fee for time compensation model of billing?
  • Who can use this methodology when billing for locums’ services of a provider?
  • How long can a physician act as a substitute?
  • Are there any exceptions to this duration?
  • What information goes on a claim form to identify the situation?
  • What documentation needs to be kept for these services?
  • What types of providers can be locums?
Who Should Attend

Coders, Billers, Administrators, Physicians