
Compliance with California New Workplace Violence Prevention Law

Recorded Webinar | Jacquiline M. Wagner, Esq | All Days

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California's new Workplace Violence Prevention Law, established by Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), requires most employers in the state to implement several measures by July 1, 2024. California's new Workplace Violence Prevention Law mandates several steps for employers to ensure a safe work environment. These include developing a written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) with employee involvement, outlining reporting procedures, and prohibiting retaliation. Annual employee training on recognizing and responding to potential violence is also required. Employers must maintain a log of all workplace violence incidents. Implementing these measures demonstrates a commitment to employee safety and compliance with the law.

Webinar Highlights:

  • The webinar will discuss New California Labor Code Section 6401.9
  • Understanding Covered Employers, Covered Employees & their limited exceptions.
  • Overviewing required components of an effective workplace violence prevention plan.
  • Managing the required employee involvement and employee training.
  • Developing an effective workplace violence prevention plan.
  • The webinar will discuss the requisite record-keeping and reporting.
  • Focusing on workplace restraining orders.
  • The speaker will discuss penalties for failure to comply.
  • Learning the best practices.

Why Should You Attend:

On September 30, 2023, California enacted a new Labor Code Section 6401.9, the first of its kind in the United States. It will apply to nearly all California employers, with only a few exceptions. California employers must establish, implement, and maintain an effective workplace violence prevention plan and train their employees about the plan. Failure to comply with Labor Code section 6401.9 comes with significant financial consequences. According to the new legislation, Cal/OSHA has the authority to issue citations and impose penalties on employers found to be in violation. Employers must consider three essential aspects of SB 553, i.e., coordinating compliance with other employers, determining which employees should be involved in plan development and receive training, and addressing certain required plan elements, like assessing workplace violence hazards. The webinar will review everything attendees need to know about the new statute and its requirements and successfully develop their own workplace violence prevention plan and training.

Who Should Attend:

  • Employer
  • Supervisor
  • Human Resources Professional
  • In-house counsel seeking to create a safe and supportive workplace culture.