
Financial Reporting Tips and Tricks in Excel

Recorded Webinar | David H. Ringstrom, CPA, | All Days

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The ability to do financial reporting in Excel is a valuable skill for any business professional. Financial Reporting involves disclosing financial information to the various stakeholders about the organization’s financial performance and financial position over a specified period. It assists in getting a handle on the business and is vital for its operation. Knowing and understanding a business’s financials helps determine its financial health and stability. Being able to distinguish how profitable a business activity is and what it costs to run the company is the key to long-term survival and potential growth.

The webinar will cover a few helpful tips & tricks on how to prepare financial statements in Excel and improve financial reporting and planning processes.

Here are some tips that help to build reports in Excel more effectively for financial reporting purposes:

  • Separate Data & Presentation
  • Excel Formula Views
  • Excel Pivot Tables
  • Writeback on Pivot Table
  • Conditional formatting

Webinar Highlights:

  • The speaker recognizes which menu option on Excel’s File menu enables to search for free spreadsheet templates.
  • Identify the chart type in Excel 2016 and present financial statements in chart form.
  • Stating the default file extension for chart templates.
  • Using Power Query to extract data from text files, accounting software, and other data sources.
  • Adding rows to a blank pivot table to create instant reports.
  • Applying a consistent look and feel to your charts through chart templates.
  • Combining the VLOOKUP and MATCH functions to summarize income statement data for a waterfall chart.
  • Enlivening staid lists of numbers with the Data Bars conditional formatting.
  • Filtering data within pivot tables in Excel 2010 and later using the Slicer feature.
  • Filtering data within pivot tables based upon date ranges in Excel 2013 and later using the Timeline feature.
  • Filtering pivot tables to show fewer columns and rows of data.
  • Illustrating financial statements with the Waterfall chart in Excel 2016 and later.
  • Illustrating numbers within a list by using the Icon Sets conditional formatting.

Why Should You Attend:

Financial Reporting in Excel can help to keep track of the company’s financial health by organizing data into spreadsheets. Using formulas and functions, it can calculate significant numbers like net income, cash flow, and debt ratios. Additionally, it can use graphs and charts to visualize the data and make it easier to understand. Excel is a powerful tool for tracking finances. The speaker explains every technique at least twice: first, on a PowerPoint slide with numbered steps, and second, in the subscription-based Microsoft 365 version of Excel. It draws attention to differences in the older versions of Excel during the presentation and provides an Excel workbook that includes most examples.

Who Should Attend:

  • Accountants
  • CPAs
  • CFOs
  • Controllers
  • Income Tax Preparers
  • Enrolled Agents
  • Financial Consultants
  • IT Professionals
  • Auditors
  • Human Resource Personnel
  • Bookkeepers
  • Excel Users
  • Marketers
  • Government Personnel