
How To Address ISO's New Climate Change Requirements

Recorded Webinar | William A. Levinson | All Days

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Benjamin Franklin told us that a penny saved is a penny earned, and a kilowatt-hour saved is the cost of that kilowatt-hour earned. Actions to eliminate energy waste flow directly to the bottom line to enable simultaneous lower prices, higher profits, and higher wages. As energy savings are probably fungible via the power grid with fossil fuels, they reduce carbon emissions as well.

In this webinar, attendees will learn how to address ISO standards' new requirements related to climate change, which they might already be doing if their management systems address climate-related risks to supply chain continuity of operations. They will also learn how to push back against cost-ineffective agendas related to Net Zero and carbon neutrality but embrace activities that reduce all wastes of energy to enable lower prices, higher profits, higher wages, and fewer carbon emissions.

Benjamin Franklin told us that a penny saved is a penny earned, and a kilowatt-hour saved is the cost of that kilowatt-hour earned. Actions to eliminate energy waste flow directly to the bottom line to enable simultaneous lower prices, higher profits, and higher wages. As energy savings are probably fungible via the power grid with fossil fuels, they reduce carbon emissions as well.

In this webinar, attendees will learn how to address ISO standards' new requirements related to climate change, which they might already be doing if their management systems address climate-related risks to supply chain continuity of operations. They will also learn how to push back against cost-ineffective agendas related to Net Zero and carbon neutrality but embrace activities that reduce all wastes of energy to enable lower prices, higher profits, higher wages, and fewer carbon emissions.

Webinar Objectives
  • Understand the new requirements in ISO 9001 and other ISO standards related to climate change and the context of the organization.
  • Learn strategies to push back against cost-ineffective agendas related to Net Zero and carbon neutrality.
  • Discover how actions to eliminate energy waste can lead to lower prices, higher profits, higher wages, and reduced carbon emissions.
  • Understand how force majeure relates to climate change and how organizations can address and mitigate climate-related risks.
Webinar Agenda
  • Introduction to ISO standards' new requirements related to climate change
  • Strategies to push back against cost-ineffective agendas related to Net Zero and carbon neutrality
  • Actions to eliminate energy waste and reduce carbon emissions
  • Understanding force majeure and its relation to climate change
  • Q&A Session
Webinar Highlights

• Understand the upcoming changes to ISO 9001 and other ISO standards, including the addition of requirements in clauses 4.1 and 4.2 regarding the organization's context and the relevance of climate change to management systems and interested parties.

• Learn strategies to counter cost-ineffective agendas related to Net Zero and carbon neutrality. Explore the importance of climate change and its risks to operations, alongside the challenges of human intervention in preventing it.

  • Examine behaviors at the UN's climate conference and the concept of aligning actions with beliefs.
  • Evaluate the motives of sellers of carbon offsets and credits and their impact on the supply chain.
  • Consider historical climate changes and the potential drawbacks of investing in carbon neutrality efforts.

• Discover how energy savings directly contribute to the bottom line, leading to lower prices, higher profits, and wages. Learn about the ISO 50001:2018 standard for energy management systems and its benefits.

  •  Explore the effectiveness of educational tools like the Hunt for the Coal Thief game in promoting energy conservation.

• Understand the concept of force majeure and its relevance to events beyond a supply chain's control, including climate-related incidents. Learn from historical examples, such as Henry Ford's contingency plans and the use of futures trading to mitigate risks associated with natural disasters.

Who Should Attend

All with responsibility for ISO 9001 and other ISO standards that will be affected by the upcoming requirements related to climate change.