
Keys to Employee Retention

Recorded Webinar | Cynthia Keaton | All Days

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Employee retention is the ability of an organization to keep its employees satisfied, engaged, and loyal over time. Retaining employees can bring many benefits, such as lower recruitment and training costs, higher customer satisfaction, better knowledge transfer, and a more robust organizational culture. Furthermore, employees seek to learn new skills, grow professionally, and have opportunities for promotion and career progression within the organization. Additionally, they value a positive, supportive, and inclusive work environment and culture where they can collaborate, communicate, and innovate with their colleagues and managers. 

Here are some Employee Retention Strategies –

  • Make smart hiring decisions.
  • Enhance your onboarding process.
  • Provide desirable benefits.
  • Communicate openly and often.
  • Outline opportunities for growth and development.
  • Create a culture of employee listening.
  • Promote collaboration and teamwork.
  • Administer two-way feedback.

Webinar Highlights:

  • The webinar will discuss how to make a great first impression on candidates and new hires.
  • Learning how to design an onboarding program that helps ensure employee retention.
  • Using realistic job previews to provide candidates with more information on the position.
  • Maintaining behavioral-based interviewing to select the best fit for the position.
  • Understanding which benefits employees are looking for in a new company.
  • Designing career ladders to provide employees with opportunities for career growth and development.
  • Understanding how stay-interviews offer a proactive solution to retaining key employees.
  • The webinar will provide the importance of total compensation statements so that employees understand the benefits.
  • Understanding the power of performance management to clarify expectations and motivate employees.
  • Learning the critical components of being a good coach and mentor.
  • The speaker will provide effective leadership and supervision to impact retention.

Why Should You Attend:

Most companies are struggling to retain employees, so this webinar will discuss different programs and initiatives that will help retain high-performing employees. It costs one-half to two times an annual salary to replace an employee and even more for higher-level roles. Attendees will learn why employees may choose to stay or leave the company, need to balance their work and personal responsibilities and interests, and have some degree of flexibility and autonomy in their work schedules and arrangements.

Who Should Attend:

  • HR
  • Recruiters
  • Managers Hiring Staff
  • Small Business Owners